Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Frames, Layers & Tweening - P4

My gaming Youtube Channel:  http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjW5hPdI4qRYZu7cRbgD0Jw

Jacques Harris - P4


Animation is all about frames, because frames are the main part when coming to create an animated movie. Frames are the images per frame that are used to make up the movie. The more frames or images you have per second determines how smooth your animation will be, for example, in films, they have thousands of frames per second just to give the audience a nice smooth outcome. The minimum amount of frames a human need in order to see it as a movie is 24, anything below this is considered to have 'lagg' or 'jump'.

In animation they are two different types of frames, they are:

-Key frames - Are used to plot a start and end in a sequence of images. An example of an animated key frame is a man kicking a ball, man getting ready to kick the ball would be one key frame, and the leg making contact with the ball would be another key frame.

-In-betweens are the frame in between the keyframes. They basically make the animation look smoother and more professional. Inbetweens are used mostly to get things like movement accurate and realistic. 


Layers are very useful in animation because it allows you to have different object in your animation separate from each other. This allows you to edit and/or remove different parts of the animation without messing with anything else. For example, in a mountain scene, you would have:

Background layer (Sky)

Midground layer (Mountain, rain, clouds, etc.)
Foreground layer (Goats, grass, people etc.)


Tweening is basically the in-betweens used in animation. Tweening is used to fill in the gaps without you having to create each and every individual frame. There are two types of tweening that you might use when doing this. 

-Motion tweening - Motion tweening is used when you need to move an object from one place to another without doing each frame by yourself (This saves time). For example, this can be used for a plane. The plane can move from left to right easily with motion tweening.

-Shape tweensShape tweens distort shapes/vector graphics into another. If you create a triangle on one keyframe and a circle on another keyframe, the shape tween will make the necessary calculations in order to morph the shape from one to another.

One extra type of Tween is the Classic tween. The classic tween is just like the motion tween apart from the motion tween is more efficient and less time consuming. 




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  2. Need these as soon as possible. I can give you my email address if you can Help me please

  3. Did you get the answers you needed
