Monday, 17 June 2013

Test Log - P7

My gaming Youtube Channel:

How you test it
Does it meet the purpose
I asked a few members around the class to see if they thought that the animation was suitable for 7+ ages.
With the data I received from the people I asked, the animation is fine and suitable for ages 7 onwards. There is no gore etc. that would offend anyone.
Is the duration fair
I asked members of the class to watch the animation I created and to see if they thought either if the animation was too long or short.
Using the comments I received, the Length of the animation was fine. The only problem that I received was when the name of my game comes on screen at the end of the animation, it doesn’t stay there for very long, so I need to make it longer.
I right clicked on the flash animation and opened it up in the Chrome browser.
The animation worked fine and the frame rate was nice and smooth. The only problem that occurred is that the video didn’t load straight away, but I have fixed this now by reducing the file size of the file.
I right clicked on the flash file and opened it up through Firefox.
Again the file didn’t load as fast as it should have in the Firefox browser, but when it does load, the frame rate of the animation has been increased slightly, which is annoying because at the end of the animation when the name of the game comes on screen, it goes so fast you don’t get time to read it.
Internet Explorer
I right clicked on the flash file and opened it through the internet explorer browser.
The animation works okay but you have to unblock the running scripts that stop it from playing in the settings.
Download the file
I will have a look at the files size of the animation to see if it is too big.
I looked at the file size and it was a fine size. I tested it in a browser to check the download speed, in the browser it loaded okay but there was a small waiting time of about 2 seconds before it loaded. To reduce the files size all I had to do was reduce the frames in the animation.
Animation movement
Watch the animation and the movements of the objects to see if it all works fine and does the job it is suppose to do.
When I checked the animation, all of the motion tweens worked perfectly fine and they all reached the destination they were designed for.

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